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how do you think the superstition around you ?
不是翻译 是要答案英文的
要求希望稍微长一点 有中文解释的 感激不禁啊
I'm a Chinese.As many foreigners know,lots of Chinese people believe in superstitions.
Forty or thirty years ago,many Chinese were very serious with superstitions.On festivals,parents tabooed their children say number 4,because in Chinese the number 4 pronounces as similar as the word death,people think that's not auspicious.In those days,people's living conditions were at a low level,there were many problems they couldn't solve,so they made good wishes with superstitions.They thought if they really believe in something,whatever it's right or not,things would get better and better.In my opinion that's stupid.It's easy to see that all these things were useless.
At present days in China,things have changed a lot.The developing of economy improved people's living conditions.Many people graduated from colleges and universities.Higher education teaches people to consider things in correct ways.So,believe me,in today's China most people don't really believe in superstitions,they talk about superstition and discuss superstition just for fun,they are not serious any more.
There is a problem has been confusing me --- What's the differences between superstition and religion?Many superstitions sound impossible,it's easy to see they are really false.Something about religion sound not logical neither.Is there a god in heaven?Is there anyone has a afterlife?Really hard to believe..一直以来有个问题使我困惑————迷信和宗教的区别是什么?迷信听起来就不可信,显而易见是假的.一些宗教问题也不合逻辑.天堂里右上帝吗?任何人都有来生吗?很难相信.
Many things are so strange for us.There still are many phenomenons that we can't explain.I think if human beings try harder,we'll find out the truth with science in the near future.We should believe in science,not superstition.Religion?I don't know.
I just wanna express my views indeed,if my words hurt someone,please forgive me.朋友,后面的不翻译了,如果需要请给我发信联系.工作忙.