早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
单词拼写(10分,每词一分)根据首字母提示或句意拼写出完整的单词。 1. We all_______(钦佩)her for the way she saved the child from the fire. 2. Just to satisfy my_______(好奇心),how much did you pay for your house? 3. The ______(氛围)over dinner was warm and friendly. 4. You are only ______(稍稍)underweight for your height. 5. Several _______(十年)have passed since I graduated from the college. 6. Let’s get something to eat ; I’m s________. 7. Medals were a_______ to the best speakers on the debating team. 8. It’s said Yoga is of great b_______ to human health. 9. I’ll come tomorrow if weather p________. 10.The s_______ of the disease frightened the villagers. |
1.admire 2, curiosity 3. atmosphere 4. slightly 5. decades 6. starving 7. awarded 8. benefit 9. permits 10. spread |
略 |
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