How much do you know about Top Combine (至上励合 TC) the popular boy band? After two months of training in South Korea the five boys are back with their latest album Grandness Equal to Heaven (《齐天大盛》). They showed up in Beijing to promote their new record. Hundreds of teenagers screamed in excitement when they saw their idols.
“I was blown away (被……征服) by this album. I knew TC would improve after going to South Korea but I couldn't have imagined it would be so nice ” said a fan after she listened to the album.
Each of the boys has put something of themselves into the new album from Zhang Yuan's soft voice to Ma Xueyang's talents composing and writing lyrics. Their hit song Grandness Equal to Heaven is a creative mix of moving rhythms and traditional musical instruments including flute (笛子). A teenage fan says that Top Combine's new album helps him get through all his tests.
Although they tried to be China's No 1 Motivational (励志的) boy band Top Combine's debut in October 2008 was not a big success. The band's first EP Arrival was not immediately popular. People accused the band of being unoriginal. They said TC was just like a South Korean boy band because their fashion sense and music style were similar to those bands.
But they didn't give up. Now with their new album their hard work looks like it's paying off.
1.What does the passage talk about?
A. A latest album. B. An EP.
C. A girls’ rock band. D. A popular boy band.
2. Which is true about the band?
A. They have just come back from China.
B. They are Korean band.
C. They tried to be China's No 1 Motivational boy band.
D. They made a big success in 2008.
3.Which is their first EP?
A. Top Combine. B. Grandness Equal to Heaven.
C. Arrival. D. Motivational Boy.
4.What’s the meaning of “pay off” in this passage?
A. 付款 B. 回报 C. 成功 D. 离开
5.What can you find out in the passage?
A. The five members of this team come from China.
B. Some teenagers were moved by the band’s new album.
C. This band has been to South Korean for training for about two years.
D. People accepted this band in 2008 because TC was just like a South Korean boy band.
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