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写篇英语作文 求助1,每年,高校许多大学生受到鼓舞去贫困地区支教 2,支教活动的意义 3,我的看法 题目:Aid-education in china
Aid Education in China There has been a hot topic recently about college students’ being encouraged to help children in the poor and remote areas. Generally aid-education is helpful in two aspects. First of all, it can broaden volunteers’ horizons in poverty-stricken regions. For instance, it is a golden opportunity for volunteers to experience a completely different life. In addition, college students have to adapt themselves to the harsh living conditions, meanwhile they can make friends with the children. In my view, the future of China’s education depends on the joint efforts of the society, the government and all the citizens. To sum up, we college students should take the initiative in response to the appeal for supplying help to children in poor regions.
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