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以 Film or book,which do you like best?写一篇英语短文
给点提示哈 1:看电影,省时,有趣,易懂
2 :读原著,细节更多,
Between film and book,I will choose film.
Watching a film takes lesser time as the storyline will be compressed into a 2 hour film.It is graphical and allows even people who are not good with languages to follow.Most people will find the characters coming alive more interesting than reading the words.
Reading the original book has it's pros too.There are some details which will be missed out in the film because of time constraint.It can also promote creativity by allowing the reader to imagine the scene themselves.The beauty of words appeal to some people too.
That said,I still prefer watching a film because it trigger multiple senses.The sense of sight and hearing and make you immerse in the storyline.