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action films

I'd rather

exciting scripts

science fiction film


horror film



in the film industry

Henry:   Shall we go to the cinema?

Sandy:  Good idea. What type of film do you like?

Henry:   How about a (1) _______________________ ?

Sandy:  Oh no. Though I don't get scared easily (2) __________________________ see something interesting. How about you Linda?

Linda:   I don't like it either. I heard Donnie Yen's (3) ___________________________ film is showing at cinemas.

Henry:   Really? He's my favourite film star. I like all of his (4) __________________________ •

Sandy:  Who's Donnie Yen?

Henry:   Are you joking? He's a world-famous kung fu (5> __________________________ . He's been

(6)______________________ for over thirty years.

Sandy:  But there're lots of fights in them. I don't think they are (7) ___________________________ for us.

Linda:   Why not watch a <8) _______________________ , then?

Sandy:  Sounds good! How about Disney's new film Frozen?

Henry:   I agree. I heard it won a Golden Globe Award in 2014.

Linda:   Really? That's great! Let's go.



 1. horror film   2. I'd rather3. latest       4. action films5. superstar     6. in the film industry 7. suitable     8. cartoon
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