早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





Sitting in her neighbour’s yard in Hartford Connecticut nine-year-old Alice watched the children play games. From their faces she c_________(1) tell that they were laughing but she couldn’t hear their voices. Alice had been deaf ( 聋的 ) s_________(2) she was 2.

The year was 1814. Unable to hear or talk Alice didn’t a_________(3) school. At that time there were no t_________(4) to teach deaf children across America.

One day Thomas Gallaudet one of Alice’s neighbours noticed that she wasn’t p_________(5) with other kids.
When he tried to speak to her he r_________(6) that she couldn’t hear. Thomas felt very sad. He thought “Why shouldn’t Alice and o_________(7) deaf children in the United States go to school?” Gallaudet decided to go to Europe to learn about schools for the deaf. After 15 months he r_________(8) to Connecticut together with Laurent Clerc a teacher from a famous school for the deaf in Paris France.

Gallaudet and Clerc opened the country’s f_________(9) school for the deaf in 1817. There were 33 teachers and students at the very beginning i_________(10) Alice. They also created the American Sign Language for the deaf.


1. could          2. since          3. attend         4. teachers      5. playing      

6. realised       7. other          8. returned      9. first            10. including

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