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请高手帮忙翻译一下啊!高分配高手王冕自此只在秦家放牛,每到黄昏,回家跟着母亲歇宿。或遇秦家煮些腌鱼,腌肉给他吃,他便拿块荷叶包了来家,递与母亲,每日点心钱,他也不买了吃,聚到一两个月,便偷个空,走到村学堂里,见那闯学堂的书客,就买几本旧书。日遂把牛栓了,坐在柳阴树下下看。 弹指又过了三四年。王冕看书,心想也着实明白了。那日,正是黄梅时候,天气烦躁。王冕放牛倦了,在绿草地上坐着。须臾,浓云密布,一阵大雨过来了。那黑云边上镶着白云,渐渐散去,透出一派日光来,照耀得满湖通红。湖边上云,青一块,紫一块,绿一块。树枝上都像水洗过一番的,尤其绿的可爱。湖里又十来枝荷花,苞子上清水嘀嘀,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去。王冕看了一回,心里想道:“古人说‘人在图画中’其实不错。可惜我这里没有一个画工,把这荷花画他几枝,也觉有趣。”又心里想到:“天下哪有个学不会的事,我何不自画他几枝?”
Since then only in the home became Qin Wang, every evening, her mother home sleeping. Or when Qin home cooking some acquired, to the bosom of his food he will get a piece of lotus leaf packet to the home, with no mother, daily dim sum of money, he does not buy food brought to one or two months, they stole a space, to go to the village school, see the new school-books on buying a few copies of the book. Japan then included cattle tethers, sitting next to Liuyin tree. Also fillip after 1934. Wang read, thought is truly understand. That Japan is ripe plums, weather annoyed. Wang became tired, sitting in the green grass on the ground. A minute later, heavy clouds, a burst of heavy rain over. That dark history Xiangzhuo Baiyun, gradually dispersed, underscored the culture faction solar to light a Manchurian lake red. Families of clouds, the Green piece, a piece of purple, green piece. Branches are like a washed over, particularly the lovely green. Lakes Village and 10 to sticks lotus flower calyx son of Shimizu region, lotus leaf, water roll to roll. Wang read a time, they would like Tao : "There is an old saying 'in picture' is good. Unfortunately I do not have a paint job here, he left this lotus paintings and feel interesting. "Further thoughts :" The world can not be a school matter, since I am not painting he left? "
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