早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
这些句子好难翻译啊 我翻出来的特别生疏!
这些句子好难翻译啊 我翻出来的特别生疏!
“阿阇王子与五百大长者,闻之皆大欢喜.” "Ah Du Prince and the 500 big the elderly,the smell of happy."
:“一切大众,闻佛所说,皆大欢喜,信受奉行.” :"All the public,Wen Fosuo Yue,happy,followed by the letter."
:“一刀两段,未称宗师求事为小吏,未有因缘也这三句话是什么意思啊?!都搞不懂还有几个名词!:"Knife two,no master of seeking to Xiao Li said that there were no fate has three What does it mean ah?!Are several who do not understand the term!
方便”、“世间”、“地狱”、“如来”、“念佛”、“法戒”、“地藏”、“慈悲”、“无常”、“智慧”、“箴言”、“甘露”、“光明”、“自在”、“根本”、“神通”、“秘密”.Convenience "," worldly "," Hell "," Tathagata "," Buddhism,"" Law quit,"" land possession,"" compassionate "," impermanence "," wisdom "," Proverbs,"" dew,"" bright,"" comfortable,"" fundamental,"" supernatural "," secret."
《楞严经》云:“何名为众生世界?世为迁流,界为方位”,过去、现在、未来称「世」,上下八方称「界」."Shurangama Sutra" Cloud:"He called all creatures in the world?World as moving stream sector of direction" In the past,present and future called "World",from top to bottom Octagon called "circles." 中国本无明确的时空观念,「天下」亦仅指古人可以到达的地方而止,直至佛教传入中国才有比较抽象的宇宙观.Chinese are no clear concept of time and space,"the world" also refers only to where the ancients could reach full length until the introduction of Buddhism in China have more abstract conception of the universe.自觉,自觉者,使己度脱生死,得以解脱.Consciously,conscious person,so that has Duotuo life and death,to be relieved.此为小乘所求.This is the Theravada request.哲学上用“自觉”表示人们认识并掌握一定客观规律的一种活动,与“自发”相对这些句子好难翻译啊我翻出来的特别生疏!Philosophy of "consciousness" implies that people understand and grasp the objective laws of a certain kind of activity,with the "spontaneous" relative translation
:“一切大众,闻佛所说,皆大欢喜,信受奉行.” :"All the public,Wen Fosuo Yue,happy,followed by the letter."
:“一刀两段,未称宗师求事为小吏,未有因缘也这三句话是什么意思啊?!都搞不懂还有几个名词!:"Knife two,no master of seeking to Xiao Li said that there were no fate has three What does it mean ah?!Are several who do not understand the term!
方便”、“世间”、“地狱”、“如来”、“念佛”、“法戒”、“地藏”、“慈悲”、“无常”、“智慧”、“箴言”、“甘露”、“光明”、“自在”、“根本”、“神通”、“秘密”.Convenience "," worldly "," Hell "," Tathagata "," Buddhism,"" Law quit,"" land possession,"" compassionate "," impermanence "," wisdom "," Proverbs,"" dew,"" bright,"" comfortable,"" fundamental,"" supernatural "," secret."
《楞严经》云:“何名为众生世界?世为迁流,界为方位”,过去、现在、未来称「世」,上下八方称「界」."Shurangama Sutra" Cloud:"He called all creatures in the world?World as moving stream sector of direction" In the past,present and future called "World",from top to bottom Octagon called "circles." 中国本无明确的时空观念,「天下」亦仅指古人可以到达的地方而止,直至佛教传入中国才有比较抽象的宇宙观.Chinese are no clear concept of time and space,"the world" also refers only to where the ancients could reach full length until the introduction of Buddhism in China have more abstract conception of the universe.自觉,自觉者,使己度脱生死,得以解脱.Consciously,conscious person,so that has Duotuo life and death,to be relieved.此为小乘所求.This is the Theravada request.哲学上用“自觉”表示人们认识并掌握一定客观规律的一种活动,与“自发”相对这些句子好难翻译啊我翻出来的特别生疏!Philosophy of "consciousness" implies that people understand and grasp the objective laws of a certain kind of activity,with the "spontaneous" relative translation
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