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阅读下列短文 从所给的四个选项中 选出最佳答案。

       "Tomorrow we'll see the Golden Gate Bridge (金门桥) " said Peter. "I've never seen a golden bridge before."

       Peter's father smiled but said nothing. Peter would soon see the bridge.   The next morning his father took Peter to the bridge. How big it looked! And the bridge was red! 

       "It isn't named for its color " said his father. "It's named for the Golden Gate."

       "What's the Golden Gate?" asked Peter.

       "A gate is either an opening or a thing that closes an opening " said his father. "The Golden Gate is an opening in the land. Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay (海湾)."

       "Oh " said Peter. "And the bridge is over the opening. But why is the opening called the 'Golden Gate'?"

       "Years ago men came here to look for gold (黄金). Many came by ship. For them it was a gate to gold."

       "Well I still think the bridge should look golden."

       When Peter got home he sent a letter to a newspaper. In the letter he said: "Red is not the right color for the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge should look golden the way most people think it does."

       Peter sent all the money he had saved with his letter. "This money is to help paint (油漆) the bridge " he wrote.

       Many people read Peter's letter. Right away things began to happen! Some people sent money. A Big company (公司) gave real gold.

       But not all the people wanted to change the color of the bridge. Will the Golden Gate Bridge ever be golden?   

1. Peter's father smiled when he heard his son's words because ________.

[  ]

A. he was pleased with his son's words   

B. he had nothing to say   

C. Peter had never seen a golden bridge   

D. Peter didn't know why the bridge was called "Golden Gate Bridge"  

2. The Golden Gate Bridge was ____________.

[  ]

A. golden  

B. an opening in land

C. red

D. both B and C

3. The Golden Gate ______________.

[  ]

A. looked very big    

B. was an opening to gold for men looking for gold years ago

C. was over San Francisco Bay

D. all A B and C

4. To help change the bridge's color Peter sent __________.

[  ]

A. his money to a newspaper

B. some of his money to a newspaper

C. his letter to a newspaper and his money to a company

D. all his money to a newspaper after a company had given real gold

5. Peter was sure that ___________ would agree with him.

[  ]

A. some people  

B. all the people    

C. many people

D. one or two big companies

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