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求作文 emotions and health
Emotion and Health
Emotion can be defined as a strong human feeling such as delight, excitement, love, hate, anger, fear, depression, stress, uneasiness, and many other similar mental activities. Emotion affects not only our mental health but also our physical health, and this belief is widely accepted by countless psychiatrists and medical workers.
Emotion is usually categorized into two types: positive emotion and negative emotion. The former refers to emotions such as delight, joyfulness, pleasure and so forth, while the latter refers to fear, frightening, anger, stress, depression and many other psychological responses. Chinese traditional medical theories views that “excitement does harms to the heart, anger to the liver, depression to the lung, and fears to the kidney”. Modern medicine has also found a direct and close relation between emotion and physical health. For example, a person feeling fearful and frightened may feel sweating, thirty, quick heart-heat; in the same way, a person feeling distressed for a long period may feel dizzy and develop hypertension and heart deceases. In addition, indigestion, insomnia, suicide, and several kinds of skin deceases have also found their links to negative emotions like depression, disappointment, fear and uneasiness. On the other hand, a person with positive emotion is usually more immune to the attack of diseases. A happy patient with lung cancer may live longer than a sad and disappointed patient. The above shows that emotion can be so influential to one’s health, mentally and physically.
To maintain healthy, therefore, one should keep happy, never become sad and disappointed to failure, setback, or any other undesired results. Only by doing so can one makes his life happier and better.
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