早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Topic 1 Get Registered for Some Courses
The students are expected to develop a conversation on the topic with no less than five utterances from each participant.
The conversation should contain some information about the student such as his/her name, major, and ID number.
The conversation should include some information about the course such as who gives what course, when and where.
For necessary reference, see page 5& 6 of the course book.
Topic 2 Make a Hotel Reservation
The students are to develop a telephone conversation through which to make a hotel reservation with no less five utterances from each participant.
The reservation should be made with specifications about type of room, length of stay, etc.
The students should include in the conversation some personal information such as the guest’s name, telephone number, etc., and some information of the hotel.
For necessary reference, see pages 16& 17 of the course book.
Topic 3 A Plan for the Weekend
The students are supposed to hold some discussion and work out a plan for their weekend with no less than five utterances from each participant.
The plan should be comprised of no less than three items such as shopping for some clothes, dining in a restaurant, seeing a movie. It will be appreciated if a reason is given.
For necessary reference, see page 55 of the course book
Topic 4 A Shopping Transaction
The students are expected to present a conversation with no less than five utterances from each participant in which they will act as a shopper and a shop assistant respectively to make a purchase of something like a piece of clothes, an electronic gadget, a book, etc.
The conversation will cover some information of the commodity such as its design, function, etc. as well as some information of the purchase like ways of payment, shipping, and relevant services.
For necessary references, see pages 63 of the course book
Topic 5 The Best Job
The students will hold some discussion about what is the best job in their opinion with each participant contributing no less than five utterances.
The students are expected to identify the job that they think is the best and give their reasons as to the social status, pays and other benefits while contradicting their partners’ proposal of the best job by identifying some disadvantages the job might yield.
For necessary reference, see page 121 of the course book
Topic 6 Let’s Eat Out
The students are supposed to eat out in a restaurant somewhere and have quite a few choices available, for example, they can enjoy some Chinese food, French food, local food, and fast food if they like.
In the conversation, the students should decide on the food they both enjoy while showing their communicative competence in making invitations, suggestions as well as the proper ways of accepting or rejecting them.
For necessary references, see pages 38 & 39 of the course book
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