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According to a report,British people have the worst quality of life in Europe,which includes the long hours,bad weather ,low life expectancy and high price of many consumer goods. In a study of the European countries,Britain comes last followed by Ireland ,with France and Spain topping the table.
Though British households enjoy the highest income,British families have to deal with a high cost of living,with fuel and food both costing more than the European average.
The ropert by a prize comparison website showed Britain suffers from the lowest numbers of days on holiday per year,with 26 days,well below Spain on 41 and spends below the European average on health and education.It also has the 4th lowest life expectancy in Europe,at 78.9 years,compared with above 80 years in France,Italy and Sweden and workers retire later than most of the other European countries.The study comes less than a week after the United Nations moved Britain out of the top 20 list of the most desirable countries to live in for the first time.
While France and Germany were hit hard by the global financial crisis,both have officially moved out their recessions,while Britain has yet to make sure this has happened.Although signs of recovery in the housing market have appeared,there is expected to be bad economic news with unemployment likely to climb to above 2.5 million for the first time since 1994.
Ann RObinson,a resercher ,said,"There is more to good living than money and this report shows why so many British are giving up living in the UK and heading to France and Spain.We earn actually more than our European neighbors,but this level of income is needed just to keep a roof over our heads,food on the table and our homes warm.It's giving us a decent standard of living,but it's not helping us achieve the quality of life that people in other countries enjoy.
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