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1.书面表达 (共1题,满分25分)
2.书面表达 (共1题,满分25分)
4月7日是世界戒烟日 (Non-smoking Day) ,可是那天你在大街上仍然看到有很多人抽烟,而你觉得抽烟是对人体有害的,把钱花在抽烟上真是毫无价值,请以日记形式简单议论一下上述情况.(词数:80-120)
今天要 写得好的话
There are way too many animals in otherwise large place and many of them have been left in pitty state with no adequate shelter and must live on floor of concrete or bare soil,cages too small for adequate movements,some with little shadow.What bored they looked,their fur and feathers broken and their eyes shallow.No place to hide for necessary privacy,no place for game.They say there are 7000 animals here,and the zoo has been opened for public since 1908.
A group of flamingo had attracted a group of professional photographers with large cameras near entry.Other birds were barely admired.Large groups of people were relaxing in shadow by the ponds,watching birds and feeding ducks – the only places that feel real lively and there were plenty of flowering trees in spring which contribute to friendlier appearance of the place.Most people were crowded in panda room,where giant and gentle bear feeds on bamboo behind the glass,in darkish room.It was one of the reason to come for many people and you have to pay extra if you want to see; there will be little chance to meet bear somewhere else unless you go to Chengdu.But nowsadays they say panda is protected,but what happens in real… you can only imagine.
Cages with wild cats:behind the bars,just on platform of a few square meters in the large house,all they can do is eat,sit and lay.Most depressing images.Elephant outside and deer and others were equally deperessed and out of boredom they kick the floor or lay entirely passively.Birds had no room,underground animals have no hidings.
And then there were visitors - they scream at birds and harass animals in many undecent ways.If you want to get depressed,visit ZOO.
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