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a high diploma and a good job-----英语作文
A high diploma and a good job
正文:Some people think that one must find a good job as long as one has a high diploma.Maybe you are a very capable person,but you can't find a good job unless you meet a person who know how to make use of you.While high diploma plays a role of letter of introduction.Without high diploma,one can't attend a decent company.
However,some people don't think so.They think that the high diploma is not that important in finding a good job for there are millions of people who can not find jobs graduated from famous universities.The key to find a good job is that you must have strong abilities and be in on the ground floor so that you can get enough experience.Besides,working steadily and use your brain to think of the problems.
In my opinion,one's holding talents is just like one is conceiving,one can not see clearly until a long time pass.Therefore,as a young people,you should be earnest and down-to-earth.
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