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Is it better for a woman to find a good husband than to find a good job?Give your opinions.(最好是说找一个好工作比找一个好丈夫好)
口语考试要用 2-3分钟
In the past time, people always said that a woman can have a happy life with finding a good husband, however, it is somehow proved to be wrong. Nowadays, people believe that it's better for women to find good jobs than good husbands. Firstly, it is sometimes difficult to find a perfect husband who can take care of you forever. As you know, many couples divorce for different reasons and after that women cannot feed themselves. But if these women have a good job, they don't have to depend on their husbands and divorce is no longer a big deal. Secondly, a woman can have fun if they work for what they love. Sometimes a good job can give woman satisfaction more than her husband. As a result, I believe finding a good job is much better.
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