早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
describe a university you want to go to most
帮我写一篇 清华 北大 也可以
帮我写一篇 清华 北大 也可以
My dream school for university study is definately Yale.I dont think think there's need to further elaborate on the reputaion of the school which is fantastic.I like it because I think it suits me just well.
Yale has the world's best professors and programmes that can truly help a student to train his or her abilities and build an excellent character.In spite of the enormous campus,the class size is small and studuents can have plenty of attention from the educator.That is a very important aspect in learning.I can express any doubt to my teachers and got answered and researched right away.
Also,Yale students are the elites.They went through an extremely harsh admission process and I'm sure each of them possess something brilliant.I am more than happy to make friends and socialize with them.
I want to a student in Yale because I want to be the best.
Yale has the world's best professors and programmes that can truly help a student to train his or her abilities and build an excellent character.In spite of the enormous campus,the class size is small and studuents can have plenty of attention from the educator.That is a very important aspect in learning.I can express any doubt to my teachers and got answered and researched right away.
Also,Yale students are the elites.They went through an extremely harsh admission process and I'm sure each of them possess something brilliant.I am more than happy to make friends and socialize with them.
I want to a student in Yale because I want to be the best.
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