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Everyyear,Irancan hold traditional festival from March 20 to March 21.It is “Jump the firefestival”.Iranian called “Red Wednesday”.It is Iran first special festival.
It is reported,the tradition descend from the two thousand years ago.At that time,ancient religions were spread widelyin Iran.And they believe that flame can carry away sickness and bed fortune.
At this holidayIranian usually by jump the fire to greets the festival.Because of Iranhave most country is desert and grassland,people often ignite the grass and waste.And jump it.They’d been up carousing till dawn.
Finally,I found that shanbei have the same day.We can experience festival atmosphere in shanbei.
Every year,Iranians hold a traditional festival from March 20 to March 21.It is “the festival
of Jumping over fire”.Iranians call it “Red Wednesday”.It is Iran's first special festival.
It is reported that the traditional event was started two thousand years ago.At that time,
ancient religions were spread widely in Iran.And they believe that flame could drive away sickness and bad luck.
On the holiday,people usually jump over the fire to greet the festival.Because Iran's
most areas are desert and grassland,people often ignite dry grass and heys.They are
jumping and dancing in the party till dawn.
It happens the same in the north of Shaanxi.We can enjoy the similar festival atmosphere
there if you can't go to Iran.
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