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求一篇题目为the importance of hardwork 的英语作文
The Importance of Hard Work   It does seem that some people achieve success more easily than others.It is often said that their success is due to good luck or that they are simply more talented than others.This may be true,but I think it is important not to ignore the value that hard work plays in any success.  In some fields,such as music and art,it is necessary for a person to have some natural ability.However,talent is not enough.It takes hard work to develop such a talent.Musicians must practice; artists must study.If a talented person makes no efforts to improve his skills,he will always be someone with potential,but never someone who has realized it.In addition,one who is not especially talented can still succeed if he is willing to work hard.And his hard work may lead him to discover talents that he never knew he had.  Therefore,the person who has never been called gifted should not despair.As long as he makes an effort,he is bound to have some success.Moreover,if he never tries,he may never discover his hidden talents.  参考译文:  努力的重要性  有些人似乎真的就是比其他人容易成功.人们常认为他们会成功是因为运气好,或是比别人有天分.也许这是事实,但我认为,不要忽略努力在所有成功事例中的价值是一件很重要的事.  在某些领域中,如音乐与艺术,必须要本身具有天赋.然而,光有才能并不够,还必须努力才能发挥这项才能.音乐家必须不断练习,艺术家必须不停地钻研.如果只是有天分,却不肯努力改进自己的技能,将永远只是个有潜力的人而无法将其具体发挥出来.再者,一个人即使没有特别的天分,只要肯努力,一样能成功.而且,通过努力也许还能让他发现自己以前所不知道的才能.  因此,即使从未被人视为有天分,也不应该绝望.只要肯努力,一定会有所成就.而且,如果没有尝试过,可能永远都无法发现自己的潜能.