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英语同义句转换:I don't often exercise.I ( ) ( )( )exercise.
初一随堂反馈上的!现在就要!还有几句也解决了吧.My brother is good at his study.My brother is ( ) ( ) ( )I get tired easily.It's very ( )( )me ( ) ( )A healthy diet is important to a child.( )( )( )a child ( )( ) a healthy diet.
I don't often exercise.I ( seldom) (do )(the )exercise.My brother is good at his study.My brother is (interested ) (in ) ( studying)I get tired easily.It's very (easy )(for )me ( get) (tired )A healthy diet is important to a child.( It's)(important )( for)a child (to )(have ) a healthy diet.
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