早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
All students have to face their own problems when they are growing up.You may not think that having a good family is a problem.But for me,it was.I had to face the problem of being the youngest of the Smith girls.(我要面对的是自己是史密斯家最小的女儿这个问题)
We live in a small town in Pennsylvania,US.There are three girls in the Smith family — Amanda,Theresa and me,the youngest.We all have blond(金色) hair and blue eyes.People would say things to me,like “Oh,the three of you,you’re such nice girls.Your sisters are so pretty and so thin!You’ve really nothing like them.” That made me sad.
At school,all of my teachers had taught my sisters.On the first day of school,they would always say,“Oh,the youngest of the three!I hope you’re just like your sisters.They’re such wonderful students.”
People always compared me with my sisters.So I couldn’t help (情不自禁)comparing myself with them,too.Theresa was smarter,while Amanda was prettier.
I began to work hard to be more like them.Whatever my sisters did,I did it,too.At last,I became drum major(鼓乐队队长) of our school.Both Amanda and Theresa had been drum majors.I became editor of the school’s newspaper.Theresa had been the editor two years before.It went on this way for years.It was a nightmare(恶梦).But last year,Amanda went to college,and Theresa went to high school.Now I’m by myself at junior high.Everyone knows me,because I’m the drum major and the newspaper’s editor.Now I don’t feel like a Smith girl any more — I feel like myself.I’m proud of doing all of the same great things that my sisters did.But the best thing I did was to learn to stop comparing myself with them.
All students have to face their own problems when they are growing up.You may not think that having a good family is a problem.But for me,it was.I had to face the problem of being the youngest of the Smith girls.(我要面对的是自己是史密斯家最小的女儿这个问题)
We live in a small town in Pennsylvania,US.There are three girls in the Smith family — Amanda,Theresa and me,the youngest.We all have blond(金色) hair and blue eyes.People would say things to me,like “Oh,the three of you,you’re such nice girls.Your sisters are so pretty and so thin!You’ve really nothing like them.” That made me sad.
At school,all of my teachers had taught my sisters.On the first day of school,they would always say,“Oh,the youngest of the three!I hope you’re just like your sisters.They’re such wonderful students.”
People always compared me with my sisters.So I couldn’t help (情不自禁)comparing myself with them,too.Theresa was smarter,while Amanda was prettier.
I began to work hard to be more like them.Whatever my sisters did,I did it,too.At last,I became drum major(鼓乐队队长) of our school.Both Amanda and Theresa had been drum majors.I became editor of the school’s newspaper.Theresa had been the editor two years before.It went on this way for years.It was a nightmare(恶梦).But last year,Amanda went to college,and Theresa went to high school.Now I’m by myself at junior high.Everyone knows me,because I’m the drum major and the newspaper’s editor.Now I don’t feel like a Smith girl any more — I feel like myself.I’m proud of doing all of the same great things that my sisters did.But the best thing I did was to learn to stop comparing myself with them.
All students have to face their own problems when they are growing up.You may not think that having a good family is a problem.But for me,it was.I had to face the problem of being the youngest of the Smith girls.(我要面对的是自己是史密斯家最小的女儿这个问题)
We live in a small town in Pennsylvania,US.There are three girls in the Smith family — Amanda,Theresa and me,the youngest.We all have blond(金色) hair and blue eyes.People would say things to me,like “Oh,the three of you,you’re such nice girls.Your sisters are so pretty and so thin!You’ve really nothing like them.” That made me sad.
At school,all of my teachers had taught my sisters.On the first day of school,they would always say,“Oh,the youngest of the three!I hope you’re just like your sisters.They’re such wonderful students.”
People always compared me with my sisters.So I couldn’t help (情不自禁)comparing myself with them,too.Theresa was smarter,while Amanda was prettier.
I began to work hard to be more like them.Whatever my sisters did,I did it,too.At last,I became drum major(鼓乐队队长) of our school.Both Amanda and Theresa had been drum majors.I became editor of the school’s newspaper.Theresa had been the editor two years before.It went on this way for years.It was a nightmare(恶梦).But last year,Amanda went to college,and Theresa went to high school.Now I’m by myself at junior high.Everyone knows me,because I’m the drum major and the newspaper’s editor.Now I don’t feel like a Smith girl any more — I feel like myself.I’m proud of doing all of the same great things that my sisters did.But the best thing I did was to learn to stop comparing myself with them.
We live in a small town in Pennsylvania,US.There are three girls in the Smith family — Amanda,Theresa and me,the youngest.We all have blond(金色) hair and blue eyes.People would say things to me,like “Oh,the three of you,you’re such nice girls.Your sisters are so pretty and so thin!You’ve really nothing like them.” That made me sad.
At school,all of my teachers had taught my sisters.On the first day of school,they would always say,“Oh,the youngest of the three!I hope you’re just like your sisters.They’re such wonderful students.”
People always compared me with my sisters.So I couldn’t help (情不自禁)comparing myself with them,too.Theresa was smarter,while Amanda was prettier.
I began to work hard to be more like them.Whatever my sisters did,I did it,too.At last,I became drum major(鼓乐队队长) of our school.Both Amanda and Theresa had been drum majors.I became editor of the school’s newspaper.Theresa had been the editor two years before.It went on this way for years.It was a nightmare(恶梦).But last year,Amanda went to college,and Theresa went to high school.Now I’m by myself at junior high.Everyone knows me,because I’m the drum major and the newspaper’s editor.Now I don’t feel like a Smith girl any more — I feel like myself.I’m proud of doing all of the same great things that my sisters did.But the best thing I did was to learn to stop comparing myself with them.
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