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英语的期末speaking test
B:Excuse me.I’m sorry to bother you.I have something to ask you.
A:Oh,just speaking.
B:You know ,we are both restaurant owners .We sell similar kinds of food,but you do it very well while I don’t have many customers.So I want to ask you for advice.
A:Where is your restaurant?
B:It’s located on Chaoyang Street.
A:You know,location is an important factor of success.You should choose a place where is near the center of the city.It can attract many customers.
B:But my price is very reasonable.
A:How the customers appraise the cuisine?
B:I think that eh… just so so.
A:I think I can give you some advice about the appearance of the restaurant.You can decorate it as beautiful as well.There should be a restroom for the customers who haven’t seats and afford fruits and dessert to them.
B:If I should play a light music to make a relaxed atmosphere
A:It’s good!Waiters should keep smiling to the customers.
B:I want to know something about the management of your restaurant.If it’s convenient,can you tell me?
A:As an owner of the restaurant ,you should be kind of your staff.You can get some advice from them through the communication with them.
B:Do you think what another kind of sevice I can provide?
A:Perhaps you can provide takeout food.You also can provide some coupons to attract the customers.
B:Thank you very much.I have confidence to make the restaurant better.Can I ask you to come to my restaurant after improved?
A:Sure.Best wishes to you!
A:How are things at the office lately?
B:Just awful.Two weeks ago,we got a new boss,and I can’t stand him!He is really unreasonable about our workload.Since he came,I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to breathe!
A:That bad,huh?What about his personality?Is he a nice guy at least?
B:I should be so lucky.He not only gives us too much work,but he is also just plain mean about it.He constantly yells at us or criticizes us.He is always degrading the employees.
A:What a terrible working environment.Have you tried talking to anyone about it?Maybe the boss of your boss?
B:I was going to,but my boss guessed what I was thinking.He gave me so much work to do that afternoon that I didn’t get around to meeting with the supervisor of our department.
A:It must be terrible.Why don’t you just quit?
B:If it wasn’t for the money,I would quit in a heartbeat.But the problem is,I can’t support myself if I don’t work.
A:Yeah,but a boss like that?To deal with him every day,you should get a raise!
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