五、 根据首字母提示补全短文
China is a large country with a long h1. Our ancestors (祖先) created excellent culture for us. Once China was the s 2 country in the world especially in the Tang dynasty. But in modern history China fell behind other countries for some r 3 Other countries s 4 no respect (尊重) for our nation and even invaded (侵略) China. H 5 ,Chinese people are hardworking and peaceloving. Under the lead of the Communist Party of China China is now the s 6 largest country in economy (经济) in the world. In the past thirty years great changes have t 7 place in our country. Whenever I'm asked a 8 my feeling of China I always say proudly “I'm proud of being a Chinese. ” As s 9 ’ we should study hard to serve our country. The harder we study the b 10 we can serve our country in the future.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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