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①it is 被强调词 that
②it is/was said/believed/supposed that
③it is obvious that
④it seems/seemed that
⑤so adj/adv that
⑥it seems to be (接什么成分)
⑦there used to be (同上)
例如:I went shopping with Ann this afternoon.
It is Ann who went shopping with me this afternoon.
It is this afternoon that I went shopping with Ann.
②it is said that后面接的时态要看句子表达的意思,很容易懂的,这个句型的考点不是时态,懂得it is said意思是据说,it is supposed that意思是据推测就行
It was said that he won a prize last year.据说他去年得了奖.
It is said that she will get marry with John next Monday.据说她下周一和约翰结婚.
③it is obvious that
这就是个it is +adj+that从句,时态也很好确定,一般接一般现在时和一般过去时,这个句型的考点也不是时态,一般考试的时候看到此类句型就要考虑that从句后面是否要接虚拟语气
④it seems/seemed that 这个时态也很好确定,跟上面一样
⑤so adj/adv that 这个句型主要是倒装的问题
⑥it seems to be 后面接表语成分,名词,形容词,动名词,一般接形容词可以省略to be,接名词不能省略,接表语形容词如alone,afraid,awake的时候也不能省略
She seems( to be) sad.她看起来很难过.
He seem to e asleep.他似乎睡着了.
It seem to be a great idea.这是个好主意.
⑦there used to be是there be 句型和used to do 句型的结合,意思是过去有...,后面接名词
例如:There used to be a beautiful park.那里曾经有一个很漂亮的花园.
There used to be a computer there.以前那里放有一台电脑
There used to be a grocery store on the corner.以前在这个街角有家杂货店.
看了 请问这些句型,后面都应该是什...的网友还看了以下: