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As a child you would wait,and watch from far away。But you always knew that you,d be the one to work while then all play。n youth you d lay... awake at night and scheme。Of all the things that you would change。But it was just a dream。Here we are don ’t turn away,now。We are the Warriors that built this town。Here we are don’t turn away,now。We are the Warriors that built this town from dust。The time will come when you will have to rise。Above the best and prove yourslf。Your spirit never dies。Farewell.l’ve gone to take my thone above。But don’t weep for me.cause this will be the labor of my love。Here we are don’t turn away.now。We are the Warriors that built tjis town。Here we are don’t turn away.now。We are Warriors that built this town from dist。Here we are don ’t turn away.now。We are Warriors that built this town 。Here we are don ’t turn away.now。We are Warriors that built this town from dust。。
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