早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


In 1990.when I (50)___ (be) nine years old.I wanted very much to find (51)___ pen friend.I found Ashley's address in a magazine,and decided (52)___ (write) to her.
I sent off my letter with a little hope.Very quickly.I received her letter.(53)___my surprise.Ashley was only one month (54)___ (old) than me.I learned some new expressions from her.1 (55)___ (real) liked this new friend.
Letter after letter,year after year,Ashley and I continued to write to one another.A letter would be received and I'd write back right away.We would send each other birthday and Christmas (56)___ (gift).
Eight years later,my parents decided it was time (57)___ me to meet this friend.They drove me down to Mississippi for a few days.We (58)___ (have) a fun time together.We did the things that teenage girls love to do.
Twenty-five years after the (59)___ (one) letter.Ashley and I still have an amazing friendship.Although we don't write letters now.we communicate through mobile phones and the Internet.
50:was  考查be动词的时态  根据"In 1990"可知,这句话的时态为一般过去时.又因主语是"I",所以此处应用am的过去式,故答案为was
51:a   考查冠词   根据名词"pen friend"为可数名词单数形式可知,此处应用不定冠词修饰.又因pen是以辅音音素开头的单词,故此处答案为a
52:to write  考查动词形式  根据动词"decided"可知,此处考查的是动词短语"decide to do sth 决定做…",所以此处应该用动词的不定式,答案为to write
53:To  考查介词  根据现有词语"_ my surprise"可知,此处考查短语"to one's surprise  令某人惊讶的是…",所以此处应用介词to,因to位于句首,所以首字母应该大写,答案为To
54:older  考查形容词的比较级  根据"than me"可知,此处应该用形容词的比较级形式.old的比较级为older,故答案为older
55:really  考查副词  根据"liked"可知,应填词语修饰动词,所以此处应填词语为副词,real的副词形式为really,故答案为really
56:gifts  考查名词  根据"birthday and Christmas"可知,礼物不止一份,所以此处应该用gift的复数形式,答案为gifts
57:for  考查介词  根据现有句子可知,这里考查的是句型:It is…for sb to do sth,for在这里意为"对…来说",故答案为for
58:had  考查动词形式  根据上句"They drove me down to Mississippi for a few days"可知,事情发生在过去,所以此处应该用have的过去式,答案为had
59:first  考查序数词  根据句意"从_信开始已经过去25年了"及提示词可知,此处意为"第一",所以这里应该用one的序数词形式,答案为first