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Because of financial illiteracy or mis-selling,households are not always aware of the risks associated with variable rate loans and sometimes take short-sighted decisions.Yet the proportion of such loans is growing rapidly.In Finland,for example,they account for 95% of all home loans.Unconventional home loans,such as interest-only loans,are also increasingly commonplace.They have gained ground swiftly in the United States and now make up 40% of loans in the Netherlands.These loans offer special facilities,such as the ability to make initial payments that cover only a portion of the interest due.This raises the question of the extent to which borrowers are aware of the risks they assume,insofar as these loans are no longer restricted to high-income households.Foreign-currency home loans have also made inroads,particularly in Poland,Hungary,Turkey and even in Austria,where they account for 37% of home loans.At first,this segment expanded strongly because many Austrians worked in Switzerland,meaning that CHF-denominated loans were attractive to them.From there,the use of these loans grew,increasing currency risk and hence default,concentration and reputational risk for lending banks.For the record,some limits are in place,including strict lending standards,stiff collateral requirements and conversion options.
Households need to be better educated about financial issues.The Austrian government has reacted to the increase in foreign-currency loans by organising public awareness campaigns and by setting new standards for marketing these products and managing the related risks.The United States is planning similar measures for unconventional loans.
Although real estate markets are expected to hold up well,we must not forget the dangers to which a few at-risk sub-groups are exposed in certain loan categories.Additional vigilance is required if property risks are combined with other risks – in particular those associated with population ageing.