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                    The thirteen-vear old American Entrepreneur (企业家) 

   Madison Stump is 13 years old. She is an entrepreneur in the USA. She has a 1____ business (事业) ,Paper Again.

      Madison lives in a “green” family. One day Madison thinks “Why not use 2 ____ boxes and paper to make beautiful notebooks? And I can 3 ____ them to help people in need." At night Madison makes her 4 ____ notebook and she uses an 5 ____ gum (口香糖) box as a cover (封面).

      Madison's first customer (顾客) is 6 ____ sister. Then all Madison's school friends want to buy her 7 ____ . Madison's dad has a 8____ idea.

They start a website (网站) ,paperagain.com. They sell 9 ____ notebooks on the Internet. Now her notebooks are selling at the 10 ____ in her hometown.

( ) 1. A. red   B. white   C. green   D. black

( ) 2. A. old   B. nice   C. big   D. new

( ) 3. A. buy   B. show   C. take   D. sell (卖)

( ) 4. A. first   B. one   C. last   D. two

( ) 5. A. interesting   B. expensive   C. easy   D. empty

( ) 6. A. his   B. her   C. your   D. my

( ) 7. A. notebooks   B. clothes C toys   D. knives

( ) 8. A. bad   B. funny   C. good   D. boring

( ) 9. A. few   B. these   C. little   D. much

( ) 10. A. cinemas   B. banks   C. hospitals   D. shops

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