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请选用like ,as if,as though造句.不要太过于复杂的单词
1.You look_____________
2.I feel______________
3.The teacher sounds_________
4.Yesterday I felt ____
5.The flowers you picked for me smell_______
6.This food tastes__________
if和 as though,都是好像得意思么.那有什么区别?分别什么情况用?
1. You look like a Japanese person. 你看起来像个日本人.
2. I feel as if I'm invisible. 我觉得自己就像个隐形人.
3. The teacher sounds like an American. 这老师说话听起来像美国人.
4. Yesterday I felt like going to the zoo. 昨天我想去动物园.
5. The flowers you picked for me smell like chocolate. 你给我摘的花闻起来像巧克力.
6. This food tastes like the best food I have ever eaten. 这是我吃过的最好的食物.
as if 和 as though 都是“好像,仿佛”的意思,用法上没有什么明显地区别,可以互换.