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高分请人帮忙写个大学的英语口语3人一组,6~8分钟 题目 Is there too much psychological pressure on students? 哪位高手帮忙编一个!!万分感谢!! 随便写的就别来了
A: Hi,it’s been a long time.what are you talking about? B: Yeah,you are came at the right time. C:We are debating on the question that is there too much psychological pressure on students. I think you can give your opinion. A: Oh, In fact I am very interested in this. I usually think that Chinese students face severe psychological pressure from parents, school and society. B: Really? Why do you think like this? A: You konw , too much homework has been a long-standing problem plaguing Chinese school students. Majority of students must complete a lot of homeworks every day. B: I different idea you of standpoint. Homework can help students study better. And this is a method to improve their knowledge. C: What you spoke is all reasonable.But I think student’s psychological stress too greatly is not only because that the homework is too much. A: Certainly,the second reason is that a number of students not self-confidence. B:That’s right. As a matter of fact,many students think that everyone is doing everything better than themselves.And some of them developed a great inferiority complex. C: Yeah, For these students, we should give respect. On the other hand, we must encourage students When appropriate and try to build their confidence. A: Parents also pay much attention to the grades of their children, caring about their psychological problems and other interests. B: I think that you all have already given a good solution method.And I think appropriate psychological pressure is important. No pressure,No improving. C: Maybe you are right.Stress is simply a behavioral adjustment to change. Without stress, our bodies and mind wouldn't perform. 这个可以吧
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