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谁能帮我把这篇文章写下去?英语的 不要什么哥哥姐姐,要兴趣爱好,是跳舞,然后再帮我写完整
Hello gentleman!I am a 12 years old girl.Smart and handsome.I am proud of myself.Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese,Maths and English.It is not good enough.I like to use smile face every my classmates,sothe students all like me.
Hello gentleman!I am a 12 years old girl.Smart and handsome.I am proud of myself.Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese,Maths and English.It is not good enough.I like to use smile face every my classmates,sothe students all like me.and llikedancing very much.At the weekend,l take part in a dancing club.l often go to dance with my friend after school.l hope l willdance better and better.I have many hobbies and my favorite hobby is dance/I like dance best
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