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求中文翻译 Happy Synthesizer 【ハッピーシンセサイザ English ver Vo uMi】
Happy Synthesizer
for you I’ll play this one-time melody
In hopes that it will one day reach deep in your heart
Remembering the fragile crush that
suddenly went out of bloom
It’s all a funny story when we look back on it now
Everything in front of us
all seemed to be so glamorous
Those days are looking at us now and sharing us a smile
Do we only get to learn the ways to hide what we really feel?
“Hurry up and please become adults”
I don’t really think we do
So many things that I didn’t know
and had no strength to admit so
“You two make a lovely pair”
Sorry to have lied
Happy Synthesizer
For you I’ll play this one-time melody
In hopes that it will one day reach deep in your heart
Think back to all the miseries and fakeness that surrounds you
I’ll make it all disappear with this song you hear
Although I have no other strengths,
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do
With my electro-melody
I’ll make your heart skip a beat
with words straight from my soul
I send this to you
Falling deeply for someone is not about the why’s and if’s
you never need a “reason” to justify at all
Blaming it on time and age
If you give up then it all ends there
Nothing’s gonna happen unless you build the strength to run
“Sorry to call so late at night, I bet you were going to bed”
“I’m amazed, I was thinking of calling you just now”
For the two who feels as though their
attraction makes their hearts tickle
I will send you both a beat to wish you happiness
Happy synthesizer
See how everything’s enjoyable?
I’ll play this one-time melody to wipe away tears
Don’t go pretending you are someone stronger then who you really are
Just be true and loyal to your feelings inside
Although I have no other strengths
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do
With my electro-melody
Even if it’s embarrassing
with words straight from my soul, I send this to you
Happy Synthesizer
For you I’ll play this one-time melody
In hopes that it will one day reach deep in your heart
Think back to all the downers and fakeness that surrounds you
I’ll make it all disappear with this song you hear
Although I have no other strengths
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do
With my electro-melody
I’ll make your heart skip a beat
with words straight from my soul, I send this to you
Happy synthesizer
See how everything’s enjoyable
I’ll play this one-time melody to wipe away tears
Don’t go pretending you are someone stronger then who you really are
Just be true and loyal to your feelings inside
Although I have no other strengths
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do
With my electro-melody
Even if it’s embarrassing
with words straight from my soul, I send this to you


快乐合成器【Happy Synthesizer 】

 快乐合成器 送达到你的内心深处

 与传递给你的旋律 一起演奏


【Remembering the fragile crush that
suddenly went out of bloom
It’s all a funny story when we look back on it now】


【Everything in front of us
all seemed to be so glamorous
Those days are looking at us now and sharing us a smile】

只有忍耐的事情 是必须记住的吗?
“变成大人吧?” 不成为大人也可以的哦

【Do we only get to learn the ways to hide what we really feel?
“Hurry up and please become adults”
I don’t really think we do】

不知道的事情很多 说不出口的不知道
“真是非常相似呢” 对不起我说谎了

【So many things that I didn’t know
and had no strength to admit so
“You two make a lovely pair”
Sorry to have lied】

快乐合成器 送达到你的内心深处
与传递给你的旋律 一起演奏

【Happy Synthesizer  
for you I’ll play this one-time melody
In hopes that it will one day reach deep in your heart】


【Think back to all the miseries and fakeness that surrounds you
I’ll make it all disappear with this song you hear】

什么优点都没有 对于我来说唯一的一个
只有一点 能做出的事情

【Although I have no other strengths,
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do】

毫无装饰的语言 让你心情澎湃

【With my electro-melody
I’ll make your heart skip a beat
with words straight from my soul
I send this to you】

并不需要 “牵强附会”之类的感情?

【Falling deeply for someone is not about the why’s and if’s
you never need a “reason” to justify at all】

因为身处这个时代 如果放弃的话就只是到这个地步
不向前迈出一步的话 什么都开始不了

【Blaming it on time and age
If you give up then it all ends there
Nothing’s gonna happen unless you build the strength to run】

“抱歉呢 这么晚才到 你正在睡着吧?”
“惊到了 我也正在想着你”

【“Sorry to call so late at night, I bet you were going to bed”
“I’m amazed, I was thinking of calling you just now”】

被幸福的声音 吸引的两人

【For the two who feels as though their
attraction makes their hearts tickle
I will send you both a beat to wish you happiness】

快乐合唱器 看吧 逐渐变快乐了
用拭去泪水的旋律 弹奏的哦

【Happy synthesizer  
See how everything’s enjoyable?
I’ll play this one-time melody to wipe away tears】

不逞强也可以的吗? 当然可以

【Don’t go pretending you are someone stronger then who you really are
Just be true and loyal to your feelings inside】

什么优点都没有 对于我来说唯一的一个
只有一点 能做出的事情

【Although I have no other strengths,
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do】

稍微有点害羞 单纯的心情

【With my electro-melody
Even if it’s embarrassing
with words straight from my soul, I send this to you】

快乐合成器 送达到你的内心深处
与传递给你的旋律 一起演奏

【Happy Synthesizer  
for you I’ll play this one-time melody
In hopes that it will one day reach deep in your heart】


【Think back to all the miseries and fakeness that surrounds you
I’ll make it all disappear with this song you hear】

什么优点都没有 对于我来说唯一的一个
只有一点 能做出的事情

【Although I have no other strengths,
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do】

毫无装饰的语言 让你心情澎湃

【With my electro-melody
I’ll make your heart skip a beat
with words straight from my soul
I send this to you】

快乐合唱器 看吧 逐渐变快乐了
用拭去泪水的旋律 弹奏的哦

【Happy synthesizer  
See how everything’s enjoyable?
I’ll play this one-time melody to wipe away tears】

不逞强也可以的吗? 当然可以

【Don’t go pretending you are someone stronger then who you really are
Just be true and loyal to your feelings inside】

什么优点都没有 对于我来说唯一的一个
只有一点 能做出的事情

【Although I have no other strengths,
and I may still be weak inside
but there is one thing I surely can do】

稍微有点害羞 单纯的心情

【With my electro-melody
Even if it’s embarrassing
with words straight from my soul, I send this to you】