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Mrs.Tan was worried about her weight (重量) .“I’m much too fat,” she told her friend.“I need to lose a lot of weight but I don’t know how to do it.”
“Go and see Dr Wei,” her friend said,“He’ll tell you how to lose weight.” Mrs.Tan visited Dr Wei and told him her problem.
“It isn’t difficult to lose weight,” he told her.“All you need to do is go on a diet (节食).I’ll give you one.” He began to write on a piece of paper.“Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.Also eat a lot of lean meat (瘦肉) and grains (谷物)”
When he finished,he handed her the piece of paper.
“There you are,” he said.“Eat all those things and you’ll soon lose weights.”
A few weeks later,Mrs.Tan’s friend called on her.She was surprised to see that she was even fatter than before and that she was eating a large sandwich with chocolate cake and ice cream.
“I thought you were on a diet,” she said,“Oh,I’m,” Mrs.Tan answered.“I’ve already had all the food on my diet today.Now I’m eating my dinner.”
( )1.Mrs.Tan didn’t know .
A.where her doctor was B.what she could do.
B.C.how she could lose weight D.who could help her
( )2.Mrs.Tan wanted to lose weight because she had too much .
A.fat B.weight C.food D.time
( )3.When Mrs.Tan visited Doctor Wei,he told her .
A.she must lose weight B.she was too fat.
C.what to buy D.what to do
( )4.Mrs.Tan got even fatter because she ate .
A.fruits and vegetables B.cakes and ice cream
C.lean meat D.a lot of grains
( )5.From last sentence we know Mrs.Tan .
A.didn’t understand the doctor at all B.understood the doctor very well
C.didn’t like the diet D.loved to go on a diet
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