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Do you ever do homework while listening to musicor watch TV while texting friend? It may seem like an obvious question since most of us multitask all the time

But according to a recent study published in PLOS ONEusing a number of media devices at the same time could be changing our brains

Researchers first asked 75 adults about how often they spent time multitasking between  different kinds of media 36 Those who reported heavier media multitasking had less gray matter in their brainsGray matter is the part of the brain that helps to deal with information and control emotions37  We cant be sureaccording to researchersThey say that the results only show a linkThey are unsure whether multitasking reduces gray matter

Media multitasking is becoming more popular in our lives and there is increasing concern about its influence on our well-being,”said British scientist Kep Kee Lohwho directed the studyLoh says that more study is needed to support the idea that our behaviors are changing our brains38 In 2012a study by Michigan State University in the US found that people using several media devices at the same time were more likely to be depressed

39  But no matter whatyou should consider limiting yourself to one screen at a timethe  Huffington Post reportedMultitasking doesnt actually work if you are trying to be more efficientYoure going from one action to another instead of truly doing two things at a time 40  Once youve slowed downit can be hard to pick up where you left off

If you want to finish a list of jobs,“set goalsestablish a routineand take regular breaks”,suggested The Huffington Post

AIt seems that more research is needed

BIt wastes your energy and slows you down

CSo is multitasking really ruining our brains?

DBut if its trueit could support earlier studies

EThere are several reasons behind media multitasking   

FThen they checked their brains with an MRI machine

GDepressed people use more media devices to relieve stress
