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What Is Music?According to the dictionary,music is having rhythm,melody,or harmony.However,it is underestimated,more so than anyone actually realizes!Music is learning,a therapy,and teaching tool.Music adjusts our moods,and used throughout our lives.To lead a healthy life,we need to incorporate music,whether playing it,listening to it,or using it.Music is therapy because of its positive changes in human behavior.The therapy consists of singing,playing instruments,moving to music,and listening to music.This builds your communication skills,motor skills and emotional development.Music comes into our lives at an early age.I wake up crying from a terrifying nightmare,looking around for my mommy.The light turns on.She comes up and sits on the bed,saying everything is O.K.I tell her a monster was coming after me,in between my heavy breathing,a light peaceful voice starts coming out of her mouth."Rock a bye baby on the tree top,when the wind blows the cradle will rock." My eyes slowly shout and I am back to sleep again.We learn music in Elementary School.Don't you remember learning your first song and singing it to all the parents?It is a great learning tool for the teachers.Music is everywhere including in an elevator.As I step in to an elevator,sea of staring faces and in an enclosed space,my heart beats a little faster.The first thing heard is the music,with its relaxing and calms melody.We have something for our mind to focus on,and not all the people around you to remember that we are claustrophobic.Music is everywhere,even in store.What the purpose of this?Why that is easy,music makes the customer as comfortable as possible.When we are comfortable,we are in a good mood,ready and willing to spend our money.Whether you like it or not music is a huge part of our lives.The good out weighs the bad.Music leads to a healthy life.One would need to incorporate music; whether playing it,listening to it,or using it.
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