早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.Talk about the seasons in Hunan.
2.talk about the weather today.
3.talk about the timetable of you school.
4.talk about yout ideal job?
5.talk about the person you like best.
1.Talk about the seasons in Hunan.
2.talk about the weather today.
3.talk about the timetable of you school.
4.talk about yout ideal job?
5.talk about the person you like best.
1.Talk about the seasons in Hunan.
2.talk about the weather today.
3.talk about the timetable of you school.
4.talk about yout ideal job?
5.talk about the person you like best.
a:Hey James,how are you?
b:Oh good thanks...and how about you Jenny?
a:Fine..just feeling a bit uncomfortable since I am still not use to the seasons in HUNAN.
b:Really?Will it must be different since you are an international exchange student.Let me tell you that in Hunan,spring is in ././.,winter is in ././.,summers is in ././.and autumn is in .,.././...
a:It is so hot today!
b:That's because we are in summer.
a:Is it always this hot?
b:Yes,and in winter it is freezing and very cold.
a:I love winter..!
a:I love snow...it does snow in winter right?
b:Yes,it does...I like spring the most.
a:why?is it because of the trees and greenery?
b:Yes,I'm always so happy in spring.
a:Oh..I need to go back to class now.
b:What class do you have next?
a:I had chinese,chinese history in the morning,chinese cultural studies around noon and one more subject in Chinese politics to go.and you?
b:I had an english lesson for three hours this morning,chinese literature and chinese politics in the afternoon as well.
a:cool!we are in the same class then,
b:let's have a look...hmmm...unfortunately no..
a:Never mind then,hey..just wondering,what are your plans for the future after you graduate this year?What is your ideal job?
b:Me,I would love to be an ambassador for China.I want to be placed in either England or America.If not,I want to work at a business firm.and you?
a:I want to go back to my country and hopefully teach languages at universities.I would love to be the next Chinese premier but ..
b:Ha..funny,same here...
a:You know what...I think China is so lucky to have had such great premiers and leaders.
b:Who are your favourites?
a:I'm in love Premier Wen jiabao and President HU jintao.They are such caring and strong leaders.Compare to our president,they are much better.and you?
b:I like them as well.I also admire and love Premier Zhou enlai and general zhu de!
a:Excellent...we share so many things in common!It's good that you are not one of those dumb teenagers who admire and go crazy over superstars.
b:Exactly!Will I'm off to class..if you need any help,just tell me.
2.talk about the weather today.
3.talk about the timetable of you school.
4.talk about yout ideal job?
5.talk about the person you like best.
a:Hey James,how are you?
b:Oh good thanks...and how about you Jenny?
a:Fine..just feeling a bit uncomfortable since I am still not use to the seasons in HUNAN.
b:Really?Will it must be different since you are an international exchange student.Let me tell you that in Hunan,spring is in ././.,winter is in ././.,summers is in ././.and autumn is in .,.././...
a:It is so hot today!
b:That's because we are in summer.
a:Is it always this hot?
b:Yes,and in winter it is freezing and very cold.
a:I love winter..!
a:I love snow...it does snow in winter right?
b:Yes,it does...I like spring the most.
a:why?is it because of the trees and greenery?
b:Yes,I'm always so happy in spring.
a:Oh..I need to go back to class now.
b:What class do you have next?
a:I had chinese,chinese history in the morning,chinese cultural studies around noon and one more subject in Chinese politics to go.and you?
b:I had an english lesson for three hours this morning,chinese literature and chinese politics in the afternoon as well.
a:cool!we are in the same class then,
b:let's have a look...hmmm...unfortunately no..
a:Never mind then,hey..just wondering,what are your plans for the future after you graduate this year?What is your ideal job?
b:Me,I would love to be an ambassador for China.I want to be placed in either England or America.If not,I want to work at a business firm.and you?
a:I want to go back to my country and hopefully teach languages at universities.I would love to be the next Chinese premier but ..
b:Ha..funny,same here...
a:You know what...I think China is so lucky to have had such great premiers and leaders.
b:Who are your favourites?
a:I'm in love Premier Wen jiabao and President HU jintao.They are such caring and strong leaders.Compare to our president,they are much better.and you?
b:I like them as well.I also admire and love Premier Zhou enlai and general zhu de!
a:Excellent...we share so many things in common!It's good that you are not one of those dumb teenagers who admire and go crazy over superstars.
b:Exactly!Will I'm off to class..if you need any help,just tell me.
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