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1.leadership concerns the overall __in which a manager inflence the actions of subordinates.
A,manner B,method C.means D,mode
2.in any event ,each manager will___will to act as an individual.
A.go B.be C.do D.work
3.just over one in ten emplyees took time off for seven days in a __.
A.row B.line C.series D.squense
4.employers can do more to protect themselves by drawing up adequate __of employment that outline the company's sick pay polices.
A.deteails B.items C.particulars D.terms
1. manner = [singular] the way in which sth is done or happens
It seemed rather an odd manner of deciding things. 看似相当奇怪的决定方法
I had hoped you would behave in a more responsible manner. 我本期望看到你会以更加负责的态度处理(责备的语气)
criticism of the manner in which the bishop was appointed 对于主教任命过程的批评
manner 和 日常用的 way 很相近 但是比较正式
method 和 means 侧重方法 手段(并主要是针对一个确定的目标而去的 manner则不一定)
mode 是模式啦~
2. do will to?
3. in a row = happening a number of times, one after the other 逐一
in a line 排成一直线
in a series 在序列中
in a sequence 按序地
4. terms 表示“条款” 与句末 policy 对应
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