早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The great poet li bai,I want to friends,no one can say is known,no one knows all don't know,li bai is an ancient time of the most famous poet,his poetry by many people look up to,from which,we left by the culture in li bai learned many worth us to collect and mining,whether before or,now,we have studied poetry to most of li bai and left over from psalm,if without ever li bai the old man left the ancient culture of poetry,in the real world,we also can't see the old man's li bai once all the great performance,for a great poetry creation,we respect him,who admires him
The great poet li bai,I want to friends,no one can say is known,no one knows all don't know,li bai is an ancient time of the most famous poet,his poetry by many people look up to,from which,we left by the culture in li bai learned many worth us to collect and mining,whether before or,now,we have studied poetry to most of li bai and left over from psalm,if without ever li bai the old man left the ancient culture of poetry,in the real world,we also can't see the old man's li bai once all the great performance,for a great poetry creation,we respect him,who admires him
看了 描述李白的英语作文.不超过1...的网友还看了以下:
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