早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
We live in a personal information economy, and information is money. The assumption about the digital age has always been that greater access to information will create new opportunities and forms of wealth. If every citizen had an e-mail address and net access, the argument goes; the digital divide would be bridged. Thus the government has concentrated its efforts on rolling out Internet kiosks in shopping arcades and library computing centers in the in the hope of widening access to online information.
We live in a personal information economy, and information is money. The assumption about the digital age has always been that greater access to information will create new opportunities and forms of wealth. If every citizen had an e-mail address and net access, the argument goes; the digital divide would be bridged. Thus the government has concentrated its efforts on rolling out Internet kiosks in shopping arcades and library computing centers in the in the hope of widening access to online information.
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