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Amy's family has fun.They write a diary almost every day and send to each other by e-mail.Everyone writes something in it.Amy's brother is open.He tells many things about his life.Amy's sister is lazy.She doesn't write much.Amy's dad writes stories.Her mom is talkative.She writes a lot.Everyone enjoys the diary.
作业帮Hello,dear family!I am having a fun week here at The Mall.I had lunch with Pan and Jack on Monday.On Tuesday,I designed a new dress.Yesterday,Tom told me a funny joke.He always makes me laugh!
作业帮Hi,all!Last week I was feeling sad.I had a bad day at work.My boss was angry at me.But the next day was better.I did a good job and my boss was very happy,so I felt better.Sometimes my work is hard.But I am really thankful for my job.
作业帮Hello!I miss you all.However,I don't have much time to write this week.I'll write more next time.Bye,everyone!
作业帮Hi,everyone!I made a chocolate cake yesterday.That's Amy's favorite.I wish I could mail you a piece,Amy!It's really delicious.Today was warm and sunny.Your father and I went for a walk in the park.We also waited your Aunt Betty.She told us some good news.Your cousin John got a new Job!Oh,I'm writing too much,aren't I?We really miss you all.Take care!作业帮
作业帮Dear ones,let me tell you a story.A long,long time ago,A man lived a house on a hill.He had a candle.He lit the candle every night.Everyone could see the light.Then one night,something wonderful happened…
61.Where do Amy's family members write their diaries?___
A.On the same family diary.
B.On their own computer.
C.On Amy's blog.
D.On Mother's note-book.
62.When did Amy design a new dress?___
A.On Monday.
B.On Tuesday.
63.What does the brother think of his job?___
A.The job is too easy
B.The job is a challenge.
C.The job makes him sad.
D.The job always gives him pleasure.
64.What did the mother do today?___
A.She got a new job.
B.She made a chocolate cake.
C.She did nothing but walk in the park.
D.She went for a walk and visited Aunt Betty.
65.What's the best title for the passage?___
A.Amy and her family.
B.Amy and her diary.
C.A family's diary.
D.Amy's father writes stories.
61.B 细节理解题.由They write a diary almost every day and send to each other by e-mail可知他们是通过电子邮件发送的,由此可知是在他们的电脑上写日记,选B.
62.B 细节理解题.由On Tuesday,I designed a new dress可知她是在星期二设计的裙子,选B.
63.D 细节理解题.由But I am really thankful for my job可知工作带给他的还总是愉快,选D.
64.D 细节理解题.由Today was warm and sunny.Your father and I went for a walk in the park.We also waited your Aunt Betty可知妈妈去散了步,还看望了Betty姑姑,选D.
65.C 归纳概括题.由对文章大意的理解可知,此文讲述的是Amy的家人们写日记相互发送的事,并列举了他们各自写的日记,选C最合适,表示这个家庭的日记;A选项不正确,主要是说的Amy和家人的日记,不是介绍她的家人;B表示不全面,是说的Amy和家人们的日记,不只是她的日记;D选项也不全面,Amy的爸爸爱写故事正确,但此文主要讲的Amy的全部家人写日记,不只是爸爸,所以D选项也不全面.