早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. 和过去相比,我们的生活越来越好了。
    Compared with the past our life is getting __________ __________ __________.
2. 这些产品的质量很好,并且价格也不高。
    These products are of good quality __________ __________ they aren't very expensive.
3. 尽管时间如此久了,我仍然记得。
    I can still remember __________ __________ it was so long ago.
4. 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。
    Teachers will never __________ __________ by computers in the classroom.
5. 我们没买那车,原因很简单,我们买不起。
    I didn't buy the car. The simple __________ __________ __________ we couldn't afford it.
1. better and better   2. what's more   3. even though   4. be replaced   5. reason was that
看了 1.和过去相比,我们的生活越...的网友还看了以下: