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1、in the form of 2、be stocked with(装备有./贮存有.) 3、pick out(找出、挑出)4、take...into 5、consideration 6、call sb over 7、take steps
1、He ___to ensure that result whenever he felt it necessary.
2、She was able to___her father at the other side of the room
3、Much of what follows is set therefore____questions which need to be considered by all of us
4、Peter___the waitress___and ordered a large brandy.
5、My house ____ oranges since my mother heard the price of them would rise.
6、We will___your recent illness____when marking your exams
1、He took steps to ensure that result whenever he felt it necessary.
2、She was able to pick out her father at the other side of the room
3、Much of what follows is set therefore in the form of questions which need to be considered by all of us
4、Peter_called the waitress_over and ordered a large brandy.
5、My house was stocked with oranges since my mother heard the price of them would rise.
6、We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams
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