早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Bob shows great interest in physics and he wishes himself to become an Einstein one day.
2.Americans eat twice as many as vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.
3.Two third of the students in our class is from the south.
4.He didn’t keep his promise that he would give up smoking.
5.She has been working hard the whole day,but she looks as if she were not tired at all
18.Joe’s friends all have a new bicycle,and he quite wants one,woo.
19.---What kind of food would you like to eat?
----Anything but Japanese.
20.Do you feel like dinning out or would you rather have dinner at home?
21.Susan and her brother went to London with a cousin of theirs
22.The old couple have two children,none of them areable to come to see them when they feel lonely,however.
23.The scientists are doing everything they can save the dying pands.
24.The road in front of our school is repaired and is closed to the motor traffic.
25.Dad used to drink wine a lot but he has to give up because of bealth problems and now he used to soft drinks.
26.I don’t think Peter will come will he
27.“I’m quite satisfiedwith what you have done,”the teacher said with -satisfaction.
28.That was really a wonderful evening.It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much.
29.Go straight on and you’ll see a bank.You won’t miss it.
30.When I went back home yesterday.I was told my brother had been away for an hour.
31.Listen to the two girls by the window.What language are they speaking