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My favorite teacher
I like my kind of language teacher -- mr.suen passes.
Mr.suen passes a tall man, there is a high nose bridge. She has a cherry red mouth, from inside say is full of truth. She has a pair of red face, laughing adorable! She took a glasses, speak to QiKe gentlemen.
In fourth grade, miss sun movements touched me.
It was a cool autumn climate season, my back schoolbag happily went to school and miss sun that also went to school, and the other teacher again laughing, side came into the office. Listen! The bell rang. Miss sun took textbooks, smiling and boldness and went out of the office, walked towards teachers. When the teacher came to the door, the students have not to be quiet, talk, dozen of... The first row of classmate see a teacher, then sit well, the other students saw a classmate was quiet, oneself also did not talk, the whole class quiet! I think miss sun will severely criticize us, but miss sun no criticism we, instead of a smile and say: "class!" "Stand up!" Monitor said. "Old - - -" good teacher classmates chorus. Then, the teacher began to give our class... This is a lesson, we are very happy, miss sun will very humor. However, the teacher's voice and the original sound different, today's voice has some fullness. When the bell rang. I come out to play, passing the office and see miss sun is to take some medicine. Originally, the teacher cold! Afterwards the teacher began to give us change their lessons. Hair down lessons, looking at that went red someplaces, my eyes filled with tears...
The teacher is hard gardener, we are the flowers of China! Teacher, thank you! Thank you for training a us!
看了 英语翻译我最喜欢的老师我喜欢...的网友还看了以下:

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