早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


选项A.first of all B.in danger C.die out D.make a big difference E.take measures
1.Joseph is doing what he can to save the animals( ).
2.There are many people I want to thank for having helped me win this award,but( )I want to thank my mother,who first taught me to recycle when I was very young.
3.There are many different answers to the question why dinosaurs( )about 65million years ago.
4.The water in this river has been seriously polluted.Many fishes die every day.People have to ( )to solve this problem.
5.If everyone starts caring about the environment,it will( ).
A.first of all B.in danger C.die out D.make a big difference E.take measures
1.Joseph is doing what he can to save the animals( in danger ).
2.There are many people I want to thank for having helped me win this award,but(first of all )I want to thank my mother,who first taught me to recycle when I was very young.
3.There are many different answers to the question why dinosaurs( died out)about 65million years ago.
4.The water in this river has been seriously polluted.Many fishes die every day.People have to (take measures )to solve this problem.
5.If everyone starts caring about the environment,it will( make a big difference).
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