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英语改错十万火急,考试中,十分钟改完! 1.In the moring of December 30, a big 2.fire broke out in office building. Firemen came 3.at once and rushed about the building to make 4. out the fire. And the wind was blowing hard and 5.the fire spreading quickly. The fire was lasted 6. about two hours and put out finally a t 4:20 7.The three-storied building was destroyed . A theatre8. and a post-office nearby was demaged. Two women 9.died and many are injured. Up to the present10. the cause of the fire is still unknown for us.以上文中有十行,每行开头都有数字,每行中都有可能有一处错误!请改正!
1. In → On
2. in和office中间加入an
3. make → put
4. And → But
5. fire was lasted → fire lasted
6. and和put中间加入was
7. three-storied → three-story/storey
8. was → were
9. are → were
10. for → to 原创回答团(159号会员)
2. in和office中间加入an
3. make → put
4. And → But
5. fire was lasted → fire lasted
6. and和put中间加入was
7. three-storied → three-story/storey
8. was → were
9. are → were
10. for → to 原创回答团(159号会员)
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