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  The introduction of computerized information systems has greatly affected management control in many companies. Even a neighborhood shopkeeper may now use computers to control sales billing and other activities. In large companies electronic data processing systems monitor entire projects and sets of operations.

Before the widespread use of computers managers could not make full use of a large amount of valuable information about a company's activities. The information either reached managers too late or was too late to be used. Today managers are facing plenty of data processing and information instruments. In place of a few financial controls managers can depend on computer-based information systems to control activities in every area of their company. On any kinds of performance measures the information provided by these systems helps managers compare standards with actual results find out problems and take corrective action before it is too late to make changes.

  Now there are about 220 million microcomputers in use in the United States---9 for every 10 citizens. It is estimated that by 2016 90 percent of American managers will be using some sort of electronic work station. In order for managers to be sure that the computer-based information they are receiving is accurate they need to understand how computers work. Although in most cases they do not need to learn how to program computers managers should understand clearly how computerized information systems work; how they are developed; their limitations and costs; and the manner in which information systems may be used. Such an understanding is not difficult to achieve.

One research has found that business firms are more successful in teaching basic information about computers to business graduates than they are in teaching business subjects to computer science graduates.   

Title : Widespread use of computerized information systems


The introduction of computerized information systems has a great    1      on management control.

Great changes

Difference in the   2   of available information

Before: Managers could gain access to limited information of great    3   .

After: Rich information from computer-based information systems enables managers to    4   activities in every area.

Difference in the speed of gathering information

Before: The information couldn’t  managers in time.

After: Managers can take corrective action timely to make changes   6    on computer-based information systems.

A requirement for   ____ 7 ___

It’s necessary for them to have a clear ___ 8 ___of computerized information systems’ work which can be easily    9   .

An interesting finding

It’s     10   to train business graduates than computer science graduates into qualified employees.

1. effect/influence/impact    2.amount/quantity    3.value/importance   4.control    5.reach   6.depending/based      7.managers      8.understanding      9.achieved     10.easier /faster/quicker
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