早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.the advantage of traveling
2.the importance of 礼仪
3.something about volunteer
4.about traffic jams(现状,如何解决等)
5.the advantage and disadvantage of science and technology
1.the advantage of traveling
2.the importance of 礼仪
3.something about volunteer
4.about traffic jams(现状,如何解决等)
5.the advantage and disadvantage of science and technology
1.Travelling is of great use.Most importantly it will make you get rid of the insense and busy life for a while ,during your travelling you can refresh yourself.Second ,Travelling broadens both your view and your mind .You will learn a lot from travelling :the beauty of nature ,the local customs..Travelling can make you a person of experience.
2.Etiquette is important because it exits everywhere :in your daily life ,in the society,in different nations..it usually represents a person's manner and knowledge .and ,sometimes if you don't obey it ,you will get yourself in trouble
3.I always admire and respect volunteers ,those people always have great courage .they can grasp every chance to show to other their ideas ,views,knowledge,thus make others know themselves .I remeber one sentence "What makes a person ahead is not his knowledge but his courage ",volunteers have the courage and thus can succeed easier.
4.Nowadays as China's development become faster and faster ,more and more people can afford cars ,At the same time ,China has great number of people ,usually people go to work,school or back to home at the same peirod of time thus the travel jam come out,during the rush hour ,people have to wait a long time to get to their destinations,which waste a lot of time .In my opinion ,To solve this problem,the government should build mord roads to ease the difficulty of the traffic.or constitute new traffic regulations.
5.Science and technology make our life become more and more colorful ,enjoyable and convenient,for example the development of bulb makes us can see things easily during the night ,and we can get information easily with the development of computer and internet.But everthing has its two sides,we should also notice that scitnce and technology bring us some bad effect ,some children become addicted to the games ,cannot live normal lives ,the convenience science and technology brought us let us forget certain basic skills .Anyhow ,we can not stop the development of science and technology just beacuse it has disadvagtages,what we should do is make good use of its advantages and avoid the bad ones.
2.Etiquette is important because it exits everywhere :in your daily life ,in the society,in different nations..it usually represents a person's manner and knowledge .and ,sometimes if you don't obey it ,you will get yourself in trouble
3.I always admire and respect volunteers ,those people always have great courage .they can grasp every chance to show to other their ideas ,views,knowledge,thus make others know themselves .I remeber one sentence "What makes a person ahead is not his knowledge but his courage ",volunteers have the courage and thus can succeed easier.
4.Nowadays as China's development become faster and faster ,more and more people can afford cars ,At the same time ,China has great number of people ,usually people go to work,school or back to home at the same peirod of time thus the travel jam come out,during the rush hour ,people have to wait a long time to get to their destinations,which waste a lot of time .In my opinion ,To solve this problem,the government should build mord roads to ease the difficulty of the traffic.or constitute new traffic regulations.
5.Science and technology make our life become more and more colorful ,enjoyable and convenient,for example the development of bulb makes us can see things easily during the night ,and we can get information easily with the development of computer and internet.But everthing has its two sides,we should also notice that scitnce and technology bring us some bad effect ,some children become addicted to the games ,cannot live normal lives ,the convenience science and technology brought us let us forget certain basic skills .Anyhow ,we can not stop the development of science and technology just beacuse it has disadvagtages,what we should do is make good use of its advantages and avoid the bad ones.
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