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请大家写出对以下单词自己的理解.意思我都给你们.例:buy:pay money to get some things.有单词意思.
1 sledge 雪橇 2 attempt 动词 试图 3 fame 名声 4 wealth 财产 5 ascent 上升
6 summit 山顶 7 strait 形容词 狭窄的 8 pole 杆子 9 altitude 高度 10 climate 气候
11 orbit 眼窝 12 mariner 水手 13 port 港湾14 spacecraft 宇宙飞船15 compass 动词 计划
sledge:a vehicle of various forms,mounted on runners and often drawn by draft animals,used for traveling or for conveying loads over snow,ice,rough ground,etc
attempt:to make an effort at; try; undertake; seek:
fame:widespread reputation,especially of a favorable character; renown; public eminence
wealth:a great quantity or store of money,valuable possessions,property,or other riches
ascent:an act of ascending; upward movement; a rising movement
summit:the highest point or part,as of a hill,a line of travel,or any object
strait:Often,straits.( used with a singular verb ) a narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water.
pole:a long,cylindrical,often slender piece of wood,metal,etc.
altitude:the height of anything above a given planetary reference plane,especially above sea level on earth.
climate:the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region,as temperature,air pressure,humidity,precipitation,sunshine,cloudiness,and winds,throughout the year,averaged over a series of years.
orbit:the curved path,usually elliptical,described by a planet,satellite,spaceship,etc.,around a celestial body,as the sun.(是环绕,不是眼窝)
mariner:a person who directs or assists in the navigation of a ship
port:a city,town,or other place where ships load or unload
spacecraft:a vehicle designed for travel or operation in space beyond the earth's atmosphere or in orbit around the earth.
compass:an instrument for determining directions,as by means of a freely rotating magnetized needle that indicates magnetic north.(指南针,不是计划)
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