早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. The        (invent) of a space rocket took many years.
2. We must improve the        (able) of speaking English greatly.
3. We should lay the          (found) for our joy in the future.
4. For          (century) this has been their custom.
5. Learning English well must have          (science) ways.
6. She decided that she taught        (she) Japanese.
7. The little boy looked          (curious) at the tall young man.
l. invention  2. ability   3. foundation   4. centuries   5. scientific  6. herself   7. curiously

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三、填空并简析所填词语的表达作用。1.隔天,父亲就用手去一台阶,说硬了硬了。再隔几天,他又用根细木棍  2020-12-23 …